Monday, 20 June 2011

Too long...


I haven't wrote on my blog since 25-Sep-2010 now that's poor!! I have just found myself being way over busy with working two jobs :/ but money is money and need to work hard to buy all the wonderful things I want :) lol

Hmm what has happened since 25-Sep-2010  is the question... ALOT!! As stated above i work 2 jobs lonnggg days I work!! I have brought sooo many stuff I will have to take lots of pictures and up date you guys on what I have been spending my pennies on lol.

I also go weaves in let's go into this story as it will more than likely make a lot of people laugh lol but at the time I was fuming sooo blog of shame is about to happen :- My soon to be sister-in-law want's everyone to have long hair for their wedding in September and as I have short hair and clip-in's would't really work with the hair style the bridesmaids are having (yes, I am going to be a bridesmaid) I thought I would get weaves in see what they are like and if I can style my hair with them in plus my sister-in-law wanted to see what they would look like in :/ but when I went to the salon to see if my hair was long enough they told me that I would have to have 2 bleach baths to strip all the colours I have put into my hair as I wanted to go a red I was red anyways but it was alot darker than the weaves I wanted and they lady also said I needed to put wella 5566 so I went into new york hair and got what I told to get done cost me £82 and that was with 50% discount but anyways I went to southsea to have them done in a salon called pretty b*tch (the salon really is called that LOL) when I sat in the seat they lady brought out the weaves that I wanted but for some reason they was more red than my hair was which is odd isn't it how they tell me to do this and that but doesn't seem to be the same colour soo I have red hair they decided to put a LIGHT BROWN weave colour into my hair I'm like what the!! They still charged me the full amount for weaves and let me walk out of the salon looking like a loser with two-tone hair so I had to spend more money on getting the weaves dyed more money than it is worth in my eyes soo this is my plan next time as I have to have them re-done for the wedding JUST DYE MY HAIR BROWN then nothing can go wrong can it lol brown is simple boring but simple then once the wedding is over I can dye my hair to whatever colour I wish lol.

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